Eared chains

General information


Lug chains are roller chains that are commonly used for transportation. On the lug mounted on the chains, we usually fasten something with a screw.... Tabbed chains can be made of ISO(BS) or ANSI (ASA) roller chains. Lug chains are made by replacing the outer connecting plates of normal roller chains with a side plate with lugs. The tabs are usually placed in place of every second plate, but they can also be placed on every link. In custom designs, tabs can be placed at any distance (number of eyes). The location of the ears can be on one side or there may be tabs on both sides of the chain.




By the design of the ears we know:

  • lying with a bored ear
  • lying with a bored ear (wide!)
  • lying with two bored ears (wide)
  • consisting of a bore ear
  • consisting of two bored ears (wide)

Regardless of the shape of the ear, the one-sided and two-sided ears detailed in the first paragraph may be formed. Thus, with different locations, many different chain designs can be created from the five types of tabs. The most typical designs are as follows: on all straps on one side, every second strap on one side, all straps on both sides, every second strap on each side. Standard tabbed chains from different manufacturers do not necessarily coincide to tenths of a millimeter, but in a significant number of cases they can be used instead of each other without modification. To splice the tabbed chains, we use a snap link similar to that required for the base chain. If it is necessary to extend the chain where there is a tab, a special snap link with ears should be used. These snap links can be found between chains in the chain of tabs in the product group corresponding to the specific tab design.
If you are looking for a chain of tabs that are equipped with existing tabs in the webshop, but with different densities (e.g. every third eye, or every fourth eye, etc.), please contact us by sending a message on the CONTACT tab and we will make an offer for production.