Ribbed belt (Poly-V) pulleys

General information

Ribbed belt pulleys (also known as Poly-V pulleys or multi-v pulleys) are suitable for driving longitudinal belts. The advantage of longitudinal belts is that they can be used on small diameter pulleys, so these longitudinal belt discs can be used from as little as 30mm in diameter. Another advantage of longitudinal belts is that their transmission power can be increased proportionally simply by increasing the width (number of ribs). Longitudinal pulleys are usually available in widths of 4-6-8-12-16 and 20 ribs.


Not all widths are available in all designs! Poly-V pulleys are designated as Poly-V belts with the same size as them. PJ type pulley can be used for PJ type belts, PK type pulley can be used for PK type belts, PL type pulley can be used for PL type belts. Poly-V pulleys can be either drilled as a base or taper bush. The tapered clamp for tapered clamping designs is purchased as a separate item. Conical clamps can be found in the Shaft joints menu. Attention! The PK longitudinal belt discs used in industry are made of solid material! Although the belt drive part of the industrial PK discs is completely identical in dimensions to the PK belt disc marked PK used in the automotive industry, their use in vehicles still requires care! Always check whether your vehicle does not require a dual-weight or rubber-damped pulley.