61xxx single row deep groove narrow ball bearing (68xx, 69xx)


Sixty thousand (61000) series single row deep groove ball bearings are among the most commonly used bearing series. The bearing identification number is known in two ways. It can be five digits, in which case the first three digits are either "618" or "619", for example 61801 or 61802. For certain manufacturers, the marking can be four digits, in which case the first two digits are either "68" or "69", for example 6801 or 6901. The bearing marked 6801 is identical in all respects to the bearing marked 61801. The last pair of digits can range from 00 (in theory) to 99 and shows the nominal diameter (shaft size) of the bearing's inner ring.

The 61000 series bearings have a slightly smaller outside diameter and are narrower than the 6000 series single row deep groove ball bearings of the same shaft size. Other features of the 61000 series bearings are identified by prefixes or suffixes. The most common suffixes of the 61000 series bearings are: SS=stainless steel, TN=polyamide basket, M=bronze basket, Z/ZZ=metal dust cover, RS/2RS=plastic dust cover. You can find more information in their catalogs by clicking on the DOWNLOADABLE DOCUMENTS tab. In our online store, the selection of miniature single-row deep groove bearings 68x and 69x (marked with three digits) is also listed among the 60,000 series bearings.