Megadyne Cable Pull Cable straps (KH16T5455R+YPU2%MCP)


Cable belts are toothed belts of type T5 that are coated with a thin polyurethane, usually two millimeters thick. Cable pull belts are made in standard lengths and standard widths. The supporting T5 strap can be made of steel fiber or Kevlar fiber polyurethane, but it can also be made of rubber. <!-- [if gte mso 9]> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Pr

Cable straps KH16T5455R+YPU2%MCP 0
Article number: KH16T5455R+YPU2%MCP
Brand: Megadyne Cable Pull
Size: T5 x 16.00 mm x 455 mm
Quantity unit: Stk
Price: 56,29 €
Description: Gummi Zahnrieme mit geschaumte GELBE PU Beschichtung 2mm 70ShA
Mass: 0 kg / Stk