32x19 ( D ) clad classic V-belt
The rubber core of the V-belt is coated with fabric. Characteristically it has a black color. The DC size strap mark comes from the ISO marking of the product. All straps about 32 mm wide have this letter in their marking. However, if the letter D stands alone, it always stands for classic clad V-belt with a profile width of 32mm and a profile height of 19mm. The Size fields show the nominal millimeter size of the strap and the calculated inch size. The Description field indicates the nominal internal size, the nominal force carrier size and the nominal inch size. This value is the value of the same belt length measured at different locations and is for information/comparison
The size printed on the product is the internal size (Li). This is true even if the Li marking has not been printed on the size data. If you don't want to change the size from another belt, you don't plan a new drive, pay attention only to the Li size!
We cannot offer a standard pulley for a 32x19 mm profile strap. It must be custom-made or use a disc provided by the machine manufacturer. From a technical point of view, it is an average but reliable solution for belt drives.
TIP! The PIX X'Set V-belts are very affordable and have excellent quality