Electric motors

General information


In the webshop we sell single-phase and three-phase asynchronous electric motors. 1-phase electric motors typically operate in domestic environments, as 3-phase alternating current is usually available in industrial environments. Mnd single phase and three phase electric motors can be made with different speed designs. The speed of rotation of electric motors is determined by the number of their poles. Electric motors can be two-pole, four-pole, six-pole, or even eight-pole.



The speed of two-pole electric motors is ~3000, four-pole motors ~1500, 6-pole motors ~1000, and eight-pole motors have theoretical speeds of ~750 1/min. The theoretical speed cannot be achieved, the real speed is somewhere around 90% of the theoretical speed. On each electric motor, the exact speed of rotation must be checked on the nameplate. Electric motors are available in different flange designs. The simplest type is the B3 with a base engine without a rim. It can be used for direct shoots. The diameter of the flanges increases with the size of the engine housing. The small-flange B14 or large-flange B5 drive is a standard interface that can be used to bolt the electric motor to gearboxes with couplings of the same size. Designs can be combined: for example, B34 = B14 + sole = small-rimmed and based. Or, for example, B35 = B5 + sole. Tehaat the engine is also equipped with a large rim and base. Electric motors are also grouped according to their efficiency (energy efficiency). This is grouped by a number after IE notation. IE1 efficient motors can only be used in industrial use with restrictions. IE2 motors are slightly better than IE1 electric motors. IE3 motors are efficient and energy efficient. IE4 electric motors are just starting to take off, but they are still very expensive at the moment.


What does 1 phase motor mean?

1-phase electric motors (typically in households) are designed for use on single-phase electrical networks. In Hungary, this means using 230V and 50Hz AC. Single-phase electric motors contain only one coil, so no rotating magnetic field is created inside. To start them, you need a capacitor and an auxiliary coil. These additional components are usually integrated into the junction box located on the motor.

What does 3 phase motor mean?

3-phase electric motors include three windings. Under operating conditions, a rotating magnetic field is created that moves the rotor. The speed of the magnetic field is different from the speed of rotation of the rotor, so they are also called asynchronous motors. Because of its principle of operation, it is also called an induction motor. Asynchronous induction motors draw a lot of current when starting and have less torque when starting. Therefore, these engines were previously started using a star-delta switch. The switch changed the electrical wiring of the motor. Nowadays we use electronic devices, usually frequency converters, when starting the electric motor.